This is a sign for you to travel

You have done your research about a specific destination, you have read about it, watched some YouTube videos, some pictures of Instagram, but the internet can only explain so much about a place. Travel, explore and experience it first hand. You do not need a whole week to experience adventures, you could still plan a weekend getaway. In case you need more convincing, here are some benefits of traveling;

  1. Traveling relieves stress and anxiety. Taking a break from your work and the hustles of everyday life to explore has a great impact on your wellbeing because it relieves the tension, allowing your mind and body to relax. When you get back to your everyday life, you feel more productive and focused. The change of scenery and feeling new emotions naturally enhances senses of happiness and satisfaction. So travel and get to unwind and recharge!
  2. Traveling exposes you to new things. It does not matter if the destination you are traveling to is close by or foreign, either way, you get to learn and experience new things. You get to see a world full of different cultures, languages, food and people. So step out of your normal day to day routine and expand your horizons, say yes to new experiences.
  3. Traveling boosts creativity and makes you more open minded. A study done in 2009 by Adam Galinsky found that travel increases cognitive flexibility and depth, and integrativity of thought, the ability to make deep connections between disparate forms.
  4. Traveling helps you learn. Traveling is the greatest teacher, you never stop learning. There is so much in the world to learn, travel inspires a sense of wonder and discovery. Besides learning about different cultures, cuisines, values and more, you get to learn about yourself. By experiencing a world of so many new things that stimulate the mind, learning becomes better and faster. The best part is, you get to have fun while doing learning!
  5. Traveling creates long lasting memories. The memories you make when traveling last lifetime and become stories you will forever cherish. Make every moment count, make new friends, eat the local street food, take plenty of pictures, collect some souvenirs to take home with you, laugh your heart out and just live in the moment. We remember our travels better than our everyday life.

Traveling is many experiences in one, it pulls you out of your comfort zone and whether you are traveling as a group, couple, family or solo, the benefits to your life is immense. “The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly without fear for newer and reacher experience.”- Eleanor Roosevelt.

By: Pascallina Wambui.

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